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Meet the Team

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Maggie Harvey


Maggie has been an active member of HHTheatreCo for more years than she'd like to remember. Maggie has directed more than 40 productions and acted in even more, with work ranging from Shakespeare to Ayckbourn via Arthur Miller and Bertolt Brecht and, on the musical side, from Sondheim to Offenbach and Andrew Lloyd Webber.  We are very fortunate to have someone so experienced leading us forward.

Sonia Waterton

Sonia Waterton, Tony Waterton, John Stacey, Tony Harvey


What a wealth of knowledge and experience our Vice-Presidents have. If you combined their years of dedication to this company, it would be over two hundred years.  We are privileged to have such giants to guide us.

Iain Fowles

Iain Fowles


Iain is now celebrating his 40th year in the Am Dram world – I know he doesn’t look old enough! Iain has a long association with HHTheatreCo having previously been a member in the 1980’s and early 1990’s,  Iain is delighted to have been elected Chair of HHTheatreCo and looks forward to starting a new chapter following the recent challenges.


Frances Maggs

General Secretary

We are very fortunate to have lured Frances into the fold as she was planning on moving to the South West. We are delighted to have her join our management team. She is sure to bring her creative flair, which we usually see in her costumes on stage, to good use.


Tim Thompson

Company Treasurer

Tim’s association with HHTheatreCo commenced in the mid- 80’s when his wife Veronica joined. Since then he has been involved in many and varied aspects from Front of House, table waiting, costume collections, sandwich preparation, fund raising, backstage work, producer of a play and even small parts in occasional productions.  He wants to see HHTheatreCo continue to prosper for more generations to come.


Linda Vincent

Membership Secretary

Having recently moved to Hemel Hempstead, Linda was keen to continue her favourite lifetime hobby and was delighted to discover this amazing little theatre.  Since joining, Linda has been involved in productions both on and off stage. She is very much enjoying her new role, and is looking forward to welcoming new members as well as keeping in touch with our longer-standing members.

Lynda Livsey-Randall

Lynda Livsey-Randall

Artistic Manager

Lynda first joined HHTheatreCo in 1984 so considers herself to be an old-timer in terms of membership longevity. Lynda has played a number of acting roles in HHTheatreCo, productions and has also fulfilled backstage roles from director and producer to props and prompt.



Jezza Gerrard

Marketing & PR Manager

With this dynamic duo in charge of marketing, we're sure to succeed, as they bring their heart, warmth, organisational skills, creativity and varied experiences to the role.


Barry Collins

Technical Manager

Barry may be new to our little company, but he's no stranger to theatre, having been involved in running multiple theatre companies over the years. We're excited to have his fresh perspective on board.

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Zoe Mackie

Bar Manager

Zoe grew up in Hemel Hempstead and was super surprised when she heard about the Playhouse in her adult years, as she would have loved it as a child. She became a member of HHTheatreCo a couple of years ago and has worked both on stage and behind the scenes. She is excited to get started in her new role with HHTheatreCo.


Currently Vacant

Services Manager



Currently Vacant

Hall Managers



Sophia Jabbar

Hall Bookings Manager

Often found backstage and occasionally onstage, Sophia is waiting to hear from you if you'd like to book the hall!

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